Bundle & Save
Harlequin Kids + Savings = AWESOME!
Build your child their ultimate school essentials pack, and save time and dollar bucks with our Bundle & Save offerings! At Harlequin Kids, we pride ourselves on giving you outstanding service that makes you smile. This includes making sure we give you great deals and value for money.
To make this magic happen, we have our team select a diverse array of super-sweet related products that complement each other, then we apply discounts to these products that you won’t find anywhere else on our website! How cool is that?
On some of our Bundle & Save items (like a select few of the Harlequin Kids branded backpacks), we offer FREE personalisation so that your kids can express themselves with one of our cute designs. Your chosen design will then be printed on the other items in the Bundle Pack! It’s matchy-matchy at its finest!
So hurry-up and get bundling, People!