Be Safe, Be Seen with Harlequin's Hi-Viz Kids.
Every year, 2,000 school aged children are injured in road accidents and tragically 48 children lost their lives in Australia in road accidents in 2019. With the approval of the Department of Education and the NSW Premier, Harlequin has invested in a major safety initiative to ensure all kids are highly visible to road users in and out of school 40kph zones.
Many Australian workers are currently bound by Workplace Health and Safety Legislation to wear high visibility clothing in their day-to-day roles. This includes our roadwork crews, postal and construction workers, emergency crews, school playground attendants and not least of all, our well loved school 'lollypop' men and women. They are all required to wear Hi-Viz clothing to enhance their safety and visibility. Yet we still continue to send the most valuable of all - our kindergarten children - out into the road system to school EVERY DAY with the overwhelming majority wearing dark coloured school uniforms and backpacks.

Harlequin’s Hi-Viz Kids™ safety initiative is aimed at bringing about a change to the way road users ‘view’ and 'see' our children. Harlequin has developed a range of ergonomic fluorescent, high-visibility backpacks that have been manufactured specifically to dramatically increase children’s visibility to road users.
By wearing Harlequin's high-visibility ergonomic backpacks to and from school, we aim to improve every child's safety and help to build an innate culture of road safety consciousness with road users throughout our community.
Harlequin's Hi-Viz backpacks are built to the same exacting standards as our ergonomic backpack's- our Tuff-Pack range. As always, Harlequin has spinal health in mind with our range of school bags independently endorsed by Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Physiotherapists. Our bags incorporate our super comfy Anatomical Back System™, making them the safest and most comfortable backpacks in Australia.
Learn about our Safety Initiative Partners: TRANSFIELD & TRANSPORT NSW