Meet Harlequin Kid's School Bag Experts
It’s taken Harlequin Kids over 20 years of research and design innovation to develop the perfect school bag formula for your child. We are continuously evolving the design of our bags through research and development to make sure that we are meeting the demands and rigours of today's children.
Unlike other companies, Harlequin Kids does not pay for any endorsements, testimonials or lovely compliments we receive. All of Harlequin’s Tuff-Packs® have been independently endorsed and checked by Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and mums alike. In our eyes an independent view is fundamental when recommending any product.
'Ergonomic' is not just a buzz word we throw about at Harlequin Kids. Significantly, every one of our branded school Tuff-Packs® has an anatomical back panel built into every back panel and has been properly classified as ERGONOMIC, making them the most comfortable and super lightweight ergonomic backpacks to carry for school. Here are some of the findings from a few of Australia’s health care experts…

PDr Terry Notaras
DC Dr Notaras is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He is a registered Chiropractor with the Chiropractic Board of Australia. He is also a member and has served on the Executive Committee of the Chiropractors Association of Australia (CAA).
Dr Terry tells us:“Choosing the correct backpack for your child to start the school year with is an important decision for any parent to make. Importantly, your school backpack should be ergonomic and light to carry. After examining Harlequin’s Tuff-Packs, I was very impressed to find that their school bags are very light to wear and include a comfortable ergonomic back panel that Harlequin has designed anatomically for spinal comfort. A particularly well designed, high quality school bag that any parent should be impressed by.

Rebecca Izard
B.App.Sc. (Osteo.), M. Osteopathy
Working closely with clients who have postural issues, Rebecca Izard has been in practice for more than ten years, both in private practice and at the University of Western Sydney. For more information and advice on your child's spinal health, contact Rebecca Izard at
Rebecca Izard tells us: "Because school children are carrying so much to and from school these days and to help alleviate future back problems, it is vitally important for our children to be wearing correctly designed ergonomic backpacks, which are made specifically for use in schools. I am very impressed with Harlequin's design specifications and the 15+ years experience they have in designing their ergonomic Tuff-Packs. Harlequin is leading the way in alleviating the poor posture seen in our school children today."

Ashton Lucas
Physiotherapist Ashton Lucas - MMPAA, B.App.Sc Grad Dip App.ScMr
Lucas has been practicing for over 20 years as a physiotherapist and a back care specialist. After spending several years working in Rehabilitation (Spinal and Orthopedic) he became Head of Spinal injuries at RPA in 1988. Now in private practice since 1992, Ashton is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) and has a B.Sc and Masters of Physiotherapy and the APESMA. For advice on your child's spinal health, contact Ashton Lucas at,
Ashton Lucas tells us:"As a father of two teenagers and a Physiotherapist, I loved the Harlequin bags. They are well-made, durable, economical and very light. Importantly, Harlequin have constructed their bags with a moulded anatomical spinal, back panel, which helps reduce back strain and also makes the bags extremely comfortable to wear. As a parent, nothing is more important than your children's health and these Harlequin Tuff-Packs certainly tick all the boxes. As a Physiotherapist, I have no hesitation in highly recommending Harlequin's quality products to any school or parent and in fact, I now use the Osteo Tuff-Pack myself!"

Dr Louise Tulloh
B.App.Sc.(.Osteo.) M. Osteopathy Osteopath
Dr Louise Tulloh - Sports Physician - MBBS, FACSPDr Louise Tulloh is a fellow of the Australasian College of Sports Physicians, having been awarded the college medal (for highest achievement in the fellowship exam) in 1999. She has performed medical event coverage for rugby union and league team, short and Olympic course triathlon, 18ft sailing Grand Prix, World Cup Triathlon (Sydney) and the Sydney Olympic Games. For more information and advice on your child's sports injuries contact Dr Lousie Tulloh at:
Dr Louise says: "Given that children have little choice in what they are required to take to and from school, but may still need to walk fair distances and manoeuvre on and off buses and trains, it is important to use, as comfortable and lightweight ergonomic school bag as possible. Backpacks are the most suitable option, and the comfortable shoulder straps and ergonomic back panel make Harlequin's schoolbags an excellent choice. As a parent, I am also impressed by Harlequin's sturdy quality."